Horrors have long been an element of the film industry and despite being able to appreciate the old classics, I cannot quite comprehend why people give so much attention and spend so much money to see all the modern trash horrors that are being produced. There almost seems to have emerged a whole new genre of horror cinematography, which produces horrors with not just the classical thrill, but also with sickly sex and unentertaining violence. The bad acting and predictable plots draw even more questions about this genre's popularity, but maybe this is a sphere in which we just don't seek high-brow stimuli? Could it be that in our uber-comfortable castle lives drive us to seek out more basic experiences and emotions that we can no longer find much of in our modern lives? Horrors, both old and modern thrive on one of our most basic emotions like fear and disgust.

In principle, I have nothing but a pause of 'wonder' for these films - after all we should all be able to watch whatever we want so long as no one gets hurt on the way. What does disturb me though is the common perception that it is perfectly okay to play trailers for these films. I realise that this is fiction and yet another genre of cinema, but I am time and again disturbed by sitting squased between film viewers chewing on their popcorn and having really unpleasant images thrown in my face.
1 comment:
Can horror make you happy?
They assume generally and theoretically that human motivations are driven by the quest of pleasure and the escape of pain. Why there are many people who want to make fright with horror films? It seems indeed paradoxical. What pleasure is it possible to draw of these… experiments? Two theories confront one another to explain this behaviour. The first one enunciates that people who look at these films are not really scared but thrilled by the film. The second explanation enunciates that the voluntary aspect to support so terror of the film… allows to create and to appreciate the relief of the end of the film. A new study of the university of California in Berkeley shows that none of these two previous theories is correct. Indeed, these two theories forget to consider case where it is possible to feel feelings positive and negative at the same time.
Roughly, the amateurs of horror films are sincerely happy to be unhappy. It is not the relief of the end of the film which motivates. The most really great instants of a horror film are often the most horrible.
The researchers used a new methodology which could also apply to other experiments which implicate taste for fright, risk or reluctance; extreme sports for example.
It is indeed possible to feel pleasure to be afraid, I love that !!!!
Mr Dogliakine
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