The iPhone is just about all you can see and hear about on TV in the States...well, maybe plus Paris Hilton. As I was nervously picking out my new laptop in the Apple store (yes, I've been a member of the Apple congregation for years now), I couldn't help but notice the shop assistants' t-shirts with 'the wait is almost over' on the front. What the wait was for, I wasn't really quite sure at that point, but after seeing the iPhone on every commercial break on TV, watching
David Pogue rave about it, and finally hearing about lines of people in front of Apple stores, it finally hit me - the iPhone was coming out and
everyone wanted one. Even today, I found my husband glued to an AT&A window shop after closing hours...
Finally, last Friday, the frenzy climaxed and the iPhone was out - literally out - no shop had any in stock after the day it went on sale. It touched even the uninvolved with my in-laws stuck in a restaurant waiting to be served for over an hour while everyone else in the half-empty restaurant was entranced by another customer's iPhone. What a day. Anyway, if you'd like to follow up on the ups and downs of the iPhone and get to know what went wrong on the big day and thereafter, feel free to
follow up on your Apple conversion here...